Pumpkin Final Warning

Remember the 2 possible pumpkins on the Far East Flora vine? They are not possible any more. They turned yellow and brown and fell off and Mummy was so annoyed she squashed them so I couldn’t take a photo. She has also told the vine that either it sets a fruit by 10 May (I don’t know why she picked 10 May) or she will yank it out.

I hope the vine understands. I saw a new possible pumpkin at the end of the vine but Mummy says she does not want to listen to any more nonsense and either it becomes a baby pumpkin or the vine is GONE. Help!!!!!

2 thoughts on “Pumpkin Final Warning

  1. Weed, poor pumpkin vine… you need to help your vine along, protect it from your mum’s wrath – eat a few more bananas and give the skins to the vine. I hope to hear good news on 10 May!!

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