A Visit to a Foreign Vegetable Patch

I went away again last weekend, to visit my friend who came to Singapore about 6 weeks ago to visit my school. It was so-o-o-o-o good to see her again! We played like mad dogs together! I even went to her school in Jakarta for a visit! They had 2 big kangkong beds. Here’s one. Everyone planted their own little bit of the bed. Then they put a stick with a signpost with their name on it.

See the black blobs? Guess what they are???

G’s Garden Beans

Here they are! They are tiny but I am sure they will grow bigger soon.



Bean #1





Bean #2 (it’s not the big out of focus one, it’s in focus behind – I remembered macro)





Last but not least, here is Bean #3!!!

My Friend G’s Garden Beans

Remember my friend who visited my school, who grew beans and pumpkins and lettuce and labelled them all with her sister V’s name and her name?

Her garden beans are looking good!!! See the flowers? And guess what, I am going to visit my friend in 2 weeks’ time! I hope I will be able to bring some vegetables for her (although she does not like vegetables).

G vs V

Remember I told you my new friend planted clumps of pumpkin, garden beans and lettuce? (Maybe I forgot to tell you about the lettuce!). She labelled them with her name (G) and her sister’s name (V), and I promised to switch the labels around to make sure her plants were always better than her sister’s.

Anyway, her plants are doing better all by themselves (except for the lettuce).

Garden Beans (photo below): G vs B, G wins (G bean clump is on the right, see how much bigger that clump is?)


Pumpkin (photo above): G vs V, G wins (G pumpkin plants are on the left)

Lettuce (photo right): G vs B, B won but I switched labels so G wins again!!! (oops forgot to take a photo of the V lettuce, never mind, you have to take my word for it)


And the winner is….. G!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

Wintermelon Flowergirls

My new friend went home. Before she left, she ran around the garden shouting “Girls! Girls! Girls!!!”, to encourage more female flowers (in case you didn’t know, fruit comes from the female flowers).

She must be magic because straightaway, our wintermelon produced 2 girls! Here is one:

To make sure she will come back to visit, she transplanted 2 clumps each of pumpkins and garden beans. One clump is labelled with her name, and the other with her sister’s name. I promised her that if her sister’s clump grows faster, I will switch the ice-cream stick labels around!

I really miss having her in my house and garden. She was lots of fun to play games with, go fishing with, go swimming with and just have fun together. Best of all, we had fun gardening together!

Finally! Girls!

Finally I have girl pumpkin flowers! I think it is because my new friend staying with us is a girl!

One flower is huge (right) and you can see the shape of the pumpkin at the base of the flower. We think it is a butternut. We pollinated it this morning!

The other one on the other pumpkin vine is tiny and is turning yellow. I don’t think it will make it. See (below)?

Mummy is very happy but nervous because she really, really wants a pumpkin.

Here’s a riddle for you. What do you get if you cross a pumpkin and a plum?

A plumpkin! Wouldn’t that be yummy???

Lettuce Farming

My new friend who is staying with us for a week harvested some lettuce with me. Actually Mummy said to thin out the lettuces but we got excited and pulled them ALL OUT. Here is our harvest. The photo is blurry because Grandma took it and she is not too good at phones and cameras.

Anyway, here is the lettuce cooked for my dinner. My new friend does not like vegetables so she dumped it all on my plate! We told her to tell all her friends back home that in Singapore, she had to harvest her own food or not have anything to eat!

Singapore Flyer Visit with Visitor

I have a new friend who is visiting my school for a week, and she is staying in my house! Yesterday we went to the Singapore Flyer. Guess what we saw? In the eco-garden, we saw plenty of powdery mildew, black soot and mealy bugs! Their gardeners are not doing a Good Job.








Anyway, here is a photo of me and my new friend feeding the fish at the Flyer. The fish food was very expensive! $1 for a small handful!