Artistic Shots of Eggplant

I tried to follow phoodietravelogue’s example and take artistic shots of the eggplants today (white and rosa bianca). I think I need more practice. But here they are:






Angles are all funny. I’ll try again tomorrow if I have time. My math teacher sets a lot of weekend homework so maybe I won’t have enough time.

Red Aztec Corn

I have not been posting for a while because I somehow switched something on my camera so that photos were saved in NEF format not JPEG so it was beyond Mummy to open them. Phoodietravelogue came to the rescue and converted the photos and made them more beautiful, so I can post again!

Novice Gardener has slim red aztec corn (like her). We told her ours was very thick. I think it is as thick as my mountain bike wheel. Here it is:

Budding Photographer

Phoodietravelogue is a super photographer. She has started a new project, working with a hospice for children with cancer. She takes photos of the children and their families just doing normal things, so that each family will have lovely photos to remember their sick child.

I am learning from her. Here are some of my tries today (I have been rather sick myself, so have not been at school).

Sharks Fin Melon (2)

Remember my market sharks fin melon from Godma? Well Mummy was worried about how viable the seeds were (in the end they were very viable) so she asked phoodietravelogue whose mummy and sisters are sharks fin melon experts to get me some of their seeds. Phoodietravelogue brought the seeds back, all the way from England, and we popped them into some soil.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They germinated really fast, and their stems were super thick and sturdy. Here is one of the 5 we germinated, after only 5 days!!!  Thank you, phoodietravelogue!

PS phoodietravelogue thinks we can market the seeds in fancy packets. We will call ourselves the ChanSharx and label our packets “Exclusive Seeds from the ChanSharx”. Her family name is Chan, you see. Would anyone like some seeds? Or the spare seedling we have (below):

Return after Plantsitting, Discharge from Plant Hospital

Remember my post about plantsitting for phoodietravelogue? Well, they returned (ok, one of them returned) from their long vacation. Yesterday we sent the plants back to their own home. As you can see:

The lime plant that was so sick recovered even more! It went home with a clean bill of health (see right)!

Then the rosemary also went home in good health, although it was still leaning over in the same direction. I think it is a special horizontal breed of rosemary (see below):

And last of all, here is the pruned basil below:


PS I forgot to confess. The mint died! Mummy thought of replacing it with a pot from Far East Flora but decided not to. Because when The Big Sister was little, she left her guinea pig (called Henry the Second) with her school friend while she went on vacation. Unfortunately Henry the Second died. The Big Sister’s friend was so worried, she bought another replacement guinea pig! Unfortunately it looked quite different so even The Big Sister noticed!!! Anyway the story had a happy ending. Henry the Third was a much nicer guinea pig than Henry the Second, Mummy said. Unfortunately (this post is a very unfortunate one), The Big Sister developed a guinea pig allergy and Henry the Third had to be given away (and The Big Sister cannot become a vet).

Blooming Cotton

Novice Gardener gave me a tiny cotton plant and we fed it and sunned it and watered it and now it is blooming. I am holding down one side of the pretty cotton square below so you can see the candle inside. The parts of the cotton flower are really called the square (that’s the leafy outside) and the candle (the white bud inside). Phoodietravelogue took this photo 5 days ago.

Yesterday morning a pretty white flower appeared! By the afternoon, it had turned pink. See how pretty it is? By today it will be dark pink and then it will fall off.

I am waiting to get my own cotton bolls!

PS I studied about cotton flowers on this website.